Case Study

Tidy3D Modeling of a Hyperbolic Surface Phonon Polariton Metamateiral
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Tidy3D Modeling of a Hyperbolic Surface Phonon Polariton Metamateiral

Nanophotonics is an emerging field that involves the study and application of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. In recent years, advances in nanofabrication techniques have...

02 Aug 2023 Tom Chen
Hovering Rotor CFD with Flow360 (Part 1 of 3)
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Hovering Rotor CFD with Flow360 (Part 1 of 3)

In this series of articles, we highlight our efforts to accurately model the flow physics of a hovering helicopter rotor in isolation and installed on...

12 Jul 2023 CJ Doolittle
Tidy3D Modeling of Exceptional Coupling for Waveguide Crosstalk Reduction
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Tidy3D Modeling of Exceptional Coupling for Waveguide Crosstalk Reduction

Current technological trends emphasize the dense integration of photonic components on a chip. However, as the proximity between these components increases, the issue of crosstalk...

11 Jul 2023 Tom Chen
From Intuition to Precision: How Tidy3D Empowered Lumotive's Breakthrough in LiDAR 2.0
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From Intuition to Precision: How Tidy3D Empowered Lumotive's Breakthrough in LiDAR 2.0

Lumotive is a technology startup based in Redmond, Washington. It is a leading developer of optical semiconductors which are changing the rules for LiDAR across...

07 May 2023 Tom Chen
Enabling the Future of Coastal Travel with Flow360
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Enabling the Future of Coastal Travel with Flow360

The REGENT Seaglider REGENT’s“seaglider” is a fully electric vehicle that utilizes a blown wing and hydrofoils for takeoff from the water, instead of gas powered...

04 May 2023 Jim Bungener