tom chen

Tidy3D Modeling of a Hyperbolic Surface Phonon Polariton Metamateiral
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Tidy3D Modeling of a Hyperbolic Surface Phonon Polariton Metamateiral

Nanophotonics is an emerging field that involves the study and application of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. In recent years, advances in nanofabrication techniques have...

02 Aug 2023 Tom Chen
Tidy3D Modeling of Exceptional Coupling for Waveguide Crosstalk Reduction
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Tidy3D Modeling of Exceptional Coupling for Waveguide Crosstalk Reduction

Current technological trends emphasize the dense integration of photonic components on a chip. However, as the proximity between these components increases, the issue of crosstalk...

11 Jul 2023 Tom Chen
Groundbreaking Simulation Confirms Half-Century-Old Nobel-Winning Wave Theory
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Groundbreaking Simulation Confirms Half-Century-Old Nobel-Winning Wave Theory

If you’ve ever tried to understand the mysteries of wave physics, you may have come across a seemingly elusive phenomenon known as Anderson localization. Proposed...

08 Jun 2023 Tom Chen
Tidy3D Modeling of a Non-Hermitian Photonic System
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Tidy3D Modeling of a Non-Hermitian Photonic System

The field of non-Hermitian photonics has seen rapid growth in recent years, with new theoretical insights and experimental demonstrations being reported all the time. Recently,...

08 Jun 2023 Tom Chen
From Intuition to Precision: How Tidy3D Empowered Lumotive's Breakthrough in LiDAR 2.0
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From Intuition to Precision: How Tidy3D Empowered Lumotive's Breakthrough in LiDAR 2.0

Lumotive is a technology startup based in Redmond, Washington. It is a leading developer of optical semiconductors which are changing the rules for LiDAR across...

07 May 2023 Tom Chen
Efficiency and Agility in Quantum Photonic Design: memQ's Journey with Tidy3D
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Efficiency and Agility in Quantum Photonic Design: memQ's Journey with Tidy3D

Leading a project to optimize photonic device design, Dr. Sean Sullivan, CTO at memQ Inc., was hampered by slow photonic simulation solutions, which slowed the...

03 May 2023 Tom Chen
Tidy3D helps MIT researchers design a highly efficient spatial light modulator
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Tidy3D helps MIT researchers design a highly efficient spatial light modulator

In a recent breakthrough published in Nature Photonics, a high-efficiency, high-bandwidth spatial light modulator (SLM) has been developed. The work, led by Chris Panuski and...

28 Dec 2022 Tom Chen
Shanhui Fan Awarded the R. W. Wood Prize
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Shanhui Fan Awarded the R. W. Wood Prize

Flexcompute Co-Founder and Stanford Professor Shanhui Fan was awarded the 2022 R. W. Wood Prize by Optica for his contributions to the fields of photonics...

27 Apr 2022 Tom Chen