
Tidy3D Modeling of a Hyperbolic Surface Phonon Polariton Metamateiral
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Tidy3D Modeling of a Hyperbolic Surface Phonon Polariton Metamateiral

Nanophotonics is an emerging field that involves the study and application of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. In recent years, advances in nanofabrication techniques have...

02 Aug 2023 Tom Chen
Hovering Rotor CFD with Flow360 (Part 1 of 3)
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Hovering Rotor CFD with Flow360 (Part 1 of 3)

In this series of articles, we highlight our efforts to accurately model the flow physics of a hovering helicopter rotor in isolation and installed on...

12 Jul 2023 CJ Doolittle
Tidy3D Modeling of Exceptional Coupling for Waveguide Crosstalk Reduction
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Tidy3D Modeling of Exceptional Coupling for Waveguide Crosstalk Reduction

Current technological trends emphasize the dense integration of photonic components on a chip. However, as the proximity between these components increases, the issue of crosstalk...

11 Jul 2023 Tom Chen
Shorter is Better: How Electra Optimizes eSTOL  Aircraft Design with Rapid CFD
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Shorter is Better: How Electra Optimizes eSTOL Aircraft Design with Rapid CFD

Source: Electra Aero, Inc. For a long time, science fiction movies have imagined aircraft navigating through skyscrapers in a bustling modern city. However, the reality...

10 Jul 2023 CJ Doolittle
Tidy3D Modeling of a Non-Hermitian Photonic System
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Tidy3D Modeling of a Non-Hermitian Photonic System

The field of non-Hermitian photonics has seen rapid growth in recent years, with new theoretical insights and experimental demonstrations being reported all the time. Recently,...

08 Jun 2023 Tom Chen
From Intuition to Precision: How Tidy3D Empowered Lumotive's Breakthrough in LiDAR 2.0
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From Intuition to Precision: How Tidy3D Empowered Lumotive's Breakthrough in LiDAR 2.0

Lumotive is a technology startup based in Redmond, Washington. It is a leading developer of optical semiconductors which are changing the rules for LiDAR across...

07 May 2023 Tom Chen
Efficiency and Agility in Quantum Photonic Design: memQ's Journey with Tidy3D
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Efficiency and Agility in Quantum Photonic Design: memQ's Journey with Tidy3D

Leading a project to optimize photonic device design, Dr. Sean Sullivan, CTO at memQ Inc., was hampered by slow photonic simulation solutions, which slowed the...

03 May 2023 Tom Chen
REGENT Seaglider CFD Analysis with Flow360
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REGENT Seaglider CFD Analysis with Flow360

REGENT, a pioneer of zero-emission regional coastal transportation, has teamed up with Flexcompute to develop their revolutionary floating, foiling and flying “seagliders”. By leveraging our...

10 Mar 2023 Jim Bungener
Tiltrotor Propulsion Modeling with Blade Element Theory (Part 3 of 3)
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Tiltrotor Propulsion Modeling with Blade Element Theory (Part 3 of 3)

In this series, we highlight our continued effort to study the fluid dynamics of the XV-15 tiltrotor aircraft. The full series consists of three parts:...

24 Feb 2023 CJ Doolittle
Tiltrotor Propulsion Modeling with Blade Element Theory (Part 2 of 3)
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Tiltrotor Propulsion Modeling with Blade Element Theory (Part 2 of 3)

In this series, we highlight our continued effort to study the fluid dynamics of the XV-15 tiltrotor aircraft. The full series consists of three parts:...

17 Feb 2023 CJ Doolittle
Tiltrotor Propulsion Modeling with Blade Element Theory (Part 1 of 3)
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Tiltrotor Propulsion Modeling with Blade Element Theory (Part 1 of 3)

In this series, we highlight our continued effort to study the fluid dynamics of the XV-15 tiltrotor aircraft. The full series consists of three parts:...

08 Feb 2023 CJ Doolittle
CFD Simulation Methods for High-Lift Aircraft Configurations (Part 3 of 3)
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CFD Simulation Methods for High-Lift Aircraft Configurations (Part 3 of 3)

In this series we will highlight contributions to the 4th AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop using a variety of CFD simulation techniques. The full series...

16 Dec 2022 CJ Doolittle
CFD Simulation Methods for High-Lift Aircraft Configurations (Part 2 of 3)
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CFD Simulation Methods for High-Lift Aircraft Configurations (Part 2 of 3)

In this series we will highlight contributions to the 4th AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop using a variety of CFD simulation techniques. The full series...

09 Dec 2022 CJ Doolittle
CFD Simulation Methods for High-Lift Aircraft Configurations (Part 1 of 3)
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CFD Simulation Methods for High-Lift Aircraft Configurations (Part 1 of 3)

In this series we will highlight contributions to the 4th AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop using a variety of CFD simulation techniques. The full series...

02 Dec 2022 CJ Doolittle
Exploring the Fluid Dynamics of an Electric Short TakeOff and Landing (eSTOL) Aircraft (Part 3 of 3)
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Exploring the Fluid Dynamics of an Electric Short TakeOff and Landing (eSTOL) Aircraft (Part 3 of 3)

In this third and final installment, we present the results obtained from our extensive parameter study of an eSTOL aircraft using computational fluid dynamics. As...

21 Oct 2022 CJ Doolittle
Exploring the Fluid Dynamics of an Electric Short TakeOff and Landing (eSTOL) Aircraft (Part 2 of 3)
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Exploring the Fluid Dynamics of an Electric Short TakeOff and Landing (eSTOL) Aircraft (Part 2 of 3)

In PART I of this series, we presented why an eSTOL aircraft is important for future urban transportation and laid the foundation for carrying out...

14 Oct 2022 CJ Doolittle
Exploring the Fluid Dynamics of an Electric Short TakeOff and Landing (eSTOL) Aircraft (Part 1 of 3)
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Exploring the Fluid Dynamics of an Electric Short TakeOff and Landing (eSTOL) Aircraft (Part 1 of 3)

In this article we describe our efforts in collaboration with Electra to model an eSTOL aircraft using computational fluid dynamics. The full article consists of...

07 Oct 2022 CJ Doolittle
Propeller Simulation Techniques in RANS CFD using Flow360
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Propeller Simulation Techniques in RANS CFD using Flow360

Flow360 can simulate a propeller using four different techniques, each with its own drawbacks and advantages. The goal of this article is to provide an...

05 Apr 2022 Jim Bungener
Aerodynamic Stall in Aviation - Angle of Attack (AoA)
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Aerodynamic Stall in Aviation - Angle of Attack (AoA)

Pilots of fixed-wing aircraft receive training about how to avoid and, if needed, recover from aerodynamic stalls. A stall condition can result in a pilot’s...

31 Mar 2022 CJ Doolittle
XV-15 Tiltrotor CFD Case Study
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XV-15 Tiltrotor CFD Case Study

Despite a projected 40.3 million flights worldwide in 2020, airplanes actually have a major drawback. To take off, airplanes need to accelerate along a runway...

18 Jan 2022 Feilin Jia
AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop - Look back at HLPW-3 and Look forward to HLPW-4
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AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop - Look back at HLPW-3 and Look forward to HLPW-4

I am sure like many of you who are actively involved in Aerospace/Aviation CFD we are eager for the 4th AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction...

06 Oct 2021 Qiqi Wang