Flow360 Software Releases

Flow360 Solver


A new version of Flow360, release-, has been deployed. Any new submissions of mesh will use this new version by default. Any cases based on previously submitted meshes or forked from submitted cases using prior versions will still use their originally specified versions of Flow360.

10.1.1. Solver

New features

Added conjugate heat transfer modeling between fluid and solid interfaces.

Added unsteady adaptive CFL feature for automatic setting of CFL based on solution convergence.

Improved accuracy of gradient computation on highly anisotropic meshes.

Add user defined velocity direction in SubsonicInflowVelocity boundary condition.

Add mesh metrics computation on volume mesh upload.

Added yPlus check in case validation script.

Improved efficiency of case forking mechanism.

Resolved issues

Added missing time-averaged outputs for certain surface and volume outputs.

Fix monitor output when no output field is specified.

Update csv file outputs when case has diverged.

Fix residual volume and surface output to be consistent with solver.

Fix partitioned volume output Tecplot files.

Automated Meshing

New features

Auto-Meshing for internal flows: generate meshes for internal flow simulations.


Updated tolerance for symmetry planes: tolerance is now calculated as 0.01 of shortest edge of the model.

No Group Names attribute required in CSM file: set boundary conditions after mesh generation, without the need for group names.


Although recent versions of flow360client will still work, it is highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version for more convenient capabilities:


If downloading for the first time: pip3 install flow360client

If upgrading from an older version: pip3 install --upgrade flow360client

Here is the flow360client on PyPI: Flow360 Project


A new version of Flow360, release-, has been deployed. Any new submissions of mesh will use this new version by default. Any cases based on previously submitted meshes or forked from submitted cases using prior versions will still use their originally specified versions of Flow360.

10.1.1. Solver

New features

Added option for running unsteady simulations with a low numerical dissipation Roe Flux scheme.

Added option for automatically setting CFL based on solution convergence.

Minor improvements to efficiency of running simulation, uploading and visualizing results.

Added option to modify DDES model constants.

Added DDES model volumetric outputs for debugging purposes.

Improvements to robustness and convergence of wall model.

Improvements to convergence of transition model.

Added physical time output to Tecplot output files.

Resolved issues

Fix SpalartAllmaras turbulence model divergence when linear system convergence is poor.

Fix transition model inside sliding interfaces.

Fix SpalartAllmaras DDES model to include laminar viscosity in shielding function computation.

Improvements to logging and case json validation.

Fix visualization for cases with spaces in boundary names.

Fix missing fragments of mesh visualization in static pictures.

10.1.2. Automated Meshing

New features

10.1.3. flow360client

Although recent versions of flow360client will still work, it is highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version for more convenient capabilities:


If downloading for the first time: pip3 install flow360client

If upgrading from an older version: pip3 install --upgrade flow360client

Here is the flow360client on PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/flow360client/


Flow360 Solver
New Features
- Added support for mesh sizes larger than 250 million nodes.
- Significantly improved speed of mesh processing.
- Improved accuracy of gradient computation resulting in improvements to spatial discretization accuracy.
- Added physical time in Tecplot output for animations.
- Additional mesh information available in logs.
- Improved validation messaging for diagnosing issues in Case JSON file.
Resolved Issues
- Improved residual convergence of transition model: Amplication Factor Transport.
- Fixed holes in slice output for certain meshes.
- Fixed divergence of Spalart Allmaras model with no wall boundaries.
- Fix relative residual convergence check when initial residual is very small.
- Reduces discontuity in postprocessing outputs across sliding interface.

Automated Meshing
New Features
- Improved meshing for C0 continuity edges.
- Backend uses ESP 1.21 July 2022 release with Open CASCADE Technology 7.4.1


A new version of Flow360, release-, has been deployed. Any new submissions of mesh will use this new version by default. Any cases based on previously submitted meshes or forked from submitted cases using prior versions will still use their originally specified versions of Flow360.

12.1.1. Solver

New features

Added user defined dynamics for defined alpha controller and BET Omega controller.

Added support for BET inside a sliding interface for a rotating reference frame.

Added Quadratic Constitutive Relation to turbulence models: SA and SST.

Added Surface Time Solution Averaging Animation.

Added output of maximum residual location in solver log and as a csv file

Added support for importing CGNS meshes from ANSA.

Resolved issues

Improved sliding interface implementation for kOmegaSST turbulence model.

Significantly reduced grid sensitivity of AFT transition model.

Improved numerical robustness and convergence behavior of Spalart Allmaras, kOmegaSST turbulence models and AFT transition model.

Documentation updates

Alpha controller json input has been changed to use the new user defined dynamics feature.

12.1.2. Automated Meshing

New features

Added rotational interface support for automated meshing.

12.1.3. flow360client

Although recent versions of flow360client will still work, it is highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version for more convenient capabilities:


If downloading for the first time: pip3 install flow360client

If upgrading from an older version: pip3 install --upgrade flow360client

Here is the flow360client on PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/flow360client/

New features

Improve usability of Python Client by providing a download/upload progress bar.

12.1.4. Web UI

New features

Added archive functionality for cases: see how can I archive my case.

Added multi-select and batch process: delete/archive/restore.

Added interactive 3D view for surface mesh.

Added interactive 3D view for surface to volume mesh generation. Shows refinement zones and actuator disks.

Introduced new billing system.



Flow360 Web Client


New features

Case got a new 3D visualisation tab (with “beta” label) available for all new submissions, not only the latest solver version. New visualisation shows q-criterion and surface results (Cp, Cf, CfVec and y+) for noSlipWalls.

Pre-submission validation warnings are presented to the user

The volume meshing page accepts the parameter “refinement” for refinement zones (solver version release-

daily.cost.s3 is hidden by default from the account page

Resolved issues

Large scale surface meshes can be now viewed in the 3D surface mesh viewer

Input for solver tolerances now accepts 1e-10

Not showing prompts for the case generator then nothing was changed.

Fork is not available from a case with status=error/diverged

Pagination fixed


New features

Pre-submission JSON validation for surface meshing, volume meshing and case

WebUI is now hosted under a new URL: https://flow360.simulation.cloud

Added progress bar when loading surface mesh for visualisation

Resolved issues

Minor bug fixes

